
Tips for transmitting the CIRCLE:

The circle is the only symbol of the five with no end points and no corners, and the only one that looks the same from all angles.

Primary characteristics: Concentrate on the properties of smoothness, wholeness and symmetry.

Symbolic meanings: Infinity, femininity, cyclic movement.


Tips for transmitting the PLUS SIGN:

The plus sign is the only symbol of the five where lines intersect.

Primary characteristics: Concentrate specifically on the intersection and the imagery of lines crossing.

Symbolic meanings: Being at a "crossroads," addition, growth, positivity.

Wavy Lines

Tips for transmitting the WAVY LINES:

The wavy lines are the only symbol of the five that imply movement and the only one with lines that are separate from one another.

Primary characteristics: Concentrate on the properties of fluidity and motion, as well there being multiple disconnected elements.

Symbolic meanings: Flow, variability, change.


Tips for transmitting the SQUARE:

The square is the only symbol of the five that has a flat foundation.

Primary characteristics: Concentrate on the properties of stability and groundedness.

Symbolic meanings: Equality, balance.


Tips for transmitting the STAR:

The star is the only symbol of the five that is not just a shape, but also representative of a specific object in the world—the stars in the sky. Because of this, when transmitting the star it's easiest to connect your thoughts to the actual object and not its symbolic characteristics.

Symbolic meanings: Illumination, radiance, heat.